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The Week That Was (XII F2): 12th April ‘10 – 16th April ‘10 April 18, 2010

Posted by Adithya Balakrishnan in Classroom, The Week That Was.
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The week started with everyone taking turns to sign on Srisiva’s cast and throughout the week he played basketball with it! Now, is that really a broken arm?! I don’t know how many people think it’s cool having a cast considering the awful rashes you get once you take it off.

Well I had forgotten to mention Ambujam’s classes. The most funniest part are her facial expressions!! They’d beat all those smilies on messenger! She’s makes us write down every word she says during class. But the most bugging part is when she takes like 2 whole minutes to write the spelling of small silly words on the board and she makes us write the word and meanings given at the bottom of our textbook in our notebooks!! She definitely thinks she’s handling a bunch of kindergarteners.

MKS has quite diplomatic ways of getting things done without much of a mess. He asked us about how many of us would work hard this one year and everyone was like “YEAH!” (We really didn’t have a choice cause if we’d said NO then he’d be like “Aare yaar !! Why?” LOL!. One think I bet you’d have noticed is all the math teachers have this hindi exclamation they use like how our computer science teacher uses ‘OK’. But the ‘OK’ virus is a more severe than ‘Bolo baba’ and ‘Aare yaar’!!)  And so he took out a bundle of CPPs and handed them out to us and asked us to submit the next day. The next thing he made us do was write our name, batchcode, enrollment number and made us write a letter that said we’d finish the cpp for the next day and if we didn’t we’d stay back till 8:30 pm the next day and asked us to get our parents sign on it, all this trouble so that our parents don’t freak out if we’re not home.

The whole week we had quite a lot of free periods. All of them computer science periods. It was just another week. Basketball, cricket, feeling sleepy, bored, happy, excited. I don’t want school to end. I was just thinking about how wierd it would be without all this. Even lab periods are pretty much cool. This week we had to make complex salt and we had people drinking distilled water just to make sure it wasn’t the water with the salts in it!! And the lab assistant aint a bad person (we all had a little talk on wines last class).  And then there’s physics lab sessions, which is mostly stuggling to get the readings right.

The Week That Was (XII F2): 5th April ’10 – 10th April ’10 April 11, 2010

Posted by Adithya Balakrishnan in Classroom, The Week That Was.

The week kicked off with the reshuffling test results. Something almost everyone dreaded. Well it turned out there wasn’t much of a difference in either of the classes. And this year there’s gonna be a blog for F2 too.

Monday’s classes were all about ‘briefing’ us about the new academic year, which is what almost all the teachers did. It was only MKS who didn’t. Well everyone loves him except for the fact you can’t make out what he’s saying half the time. He talks so damn fast that Abinaya actually stood up and asked him to talk slowly like three times.  The next day he spent 5 whole minutes checking out Divye’s hair style that he’d noticed when he asked him to do some problem on the board. He’s pretty humourous too. He happened to be standing next to Essaki when Essaki went like “Essaki different name.” and then MKSs like “Oh! That’s your full name?” He’s from West Bengal and his last name is Mondal (He told us his name only on the second day of class!), just like PSOM, and guess what? They even stay together.

And then comes computer science. We have this funny guy who keeps holding his specs like its gonna fall if he doesn’t. He keeps going on and on about how he’ll be able to remember our names only after the exams. He’s gonna be our class teacher for the year.

The week ended with Srisiva falling off the window shade while trying to get the cricket ball. His hand ended up a little messed up but he didn’t seem too bothered about it.